Road to the Demon Realm

Beyond the portal lies a seemingly endless walkway, though you've been told that it leads to the Demonic Palace, where the Demon Queen resides with all her lieutenants. Spirits, Wights, and Demon soldiers fill the walkway, but you manage to cross.
"There is still time to turn back," sounded the voice again, "If you regret your choice now." You press on.
"Very well, then," sighed the voice, "since you are so stubborn, let me at least share with you my tale. For I was just like you, a long, long time ago. I too, walked on this same pathway. And I... Well, I... " The voice paused for what seemed like a few moments. "I guess you will have to find out for yourself."
Thunder rumbles in the distance. Adventure awaits, but how far will you go?
"There is still time to turn back," sounded the voice again, "If you regret your choice now." You press on.
"Very well, then," sighed the voice, "since you are so stubborn, let me at least share with you my tale. For I was just like you, a long, long time ago. I too, walked on this same pathway. And I... Well, I... " The voice paused for what seemed like a few moments. "I guess you will have to find out for yourself."
Thunder rumbles in the distance. Adventure awaits, but how far will you go?